How Membership Benefits You -
You get help and advice from knowledgeable staff and volunteers who are not in the business of selling funeral services.
You become an educated consumer, receiving greater value for your dollar.
You learn about dignified alternatives to expensive funeral goods and services.
You can take full advantage of our member-only pricing with our cooperating funeral homes.
Peace of Mind
You’ll have the materials to discuss your wishes with family or friends and make decisions while you are healthy and capable.
You leave behind a final gift . . . by coordinating plans ahead of time with your loved ones, you make things a little easier for them.
Members Receive -
FCAAZ Vital Statistics Record Forms
Membership Wallet Card
Access to informative brochures and knowledgeable staff
Directory of nearly 50 affiliate FCA organizations nationwide with reciprocal benefits
Newsletters - printed and electronic
Right to elect Board of Directors
Discounts on cremation and funeral costs
Legislative advocacy to protect the rights of our members and all funeral consumers
Some peace of mind for you and your family after you complete your paperwork
Satisfaction that you support a non-profit that helps people at some of the worst times in their lives
How Membership Works -
When you receive your membership kit, complete the forms and put the originals in your files. Give a copy to your next of kin or a trusted friend.
At the time of your death, the funeral provider you have chosen should be contacted. Pre-payment is not necessary!
The funeral provider is paid at the time of your death.
If death occurs out of town, check for the closest local FCA affiliate at our national website: www.funerals.org
Should you move, your membership can usually transfer to the closest affiliate for a nominal fee.